Andrew Jackson

Jackson was very unlucky. He was born on March 15, 1769, just three weeks before the death of his father Andrew Hutchinson Jackson at a young age of twenty-nine years. His mother Elizabeth Jackson gave birth to him at one of his uncle’s place and it is not clear up to now the exact location of his birth place. Andrew received little education before the Revolutionary War. At the age of thirteen, Andrew decided to join the militia after his brother Hugh died in the Stono Ferry battle in 1779. In 1781, Andrew was captured alongside his brother Robert. While in prison, he refused to polish the soldier’s boots, and he was slashed in the face and hand by the soldier who left him with a permanent scar. While still in prison the two brothers contracted smallpox which Robert did not survive. Their mother organized an exchange for their release. Just a few days after the release, Robert died of smallpox. A little later, their mother died of Cholera that she had contracted while taking care and nursing soldiers. Andrew was not at fourteen and developed so much antipathy for British. Andrew was educated by his uncle and started a law course in Salisbury.

Military Carrer

In 1802, Andrew was appointed major general of the Tennessee militia though he had no enough experienced warrant such a position. He led the US troops in the war in 1812 in the war against the British-allied Creek Indians. In 1814, the troops achieved triumph success and following this, Andrew was promoted to major general. He became so popular with his troops and his character in the battle field led to him being called Old Hickory. Because of success in different wars, he was dubbed a national hero. He was honored by being awarded a gold medal by the Congress for the great success in war.

His political Success

His success in the battle field made him a favorite of many. He vied for US Senate in 1823 and won. In his first presidency attempt, he won the popular vote, but there was no winner of the Electoral College vote, and this threw the election to the House of Representatives. He was defeated, but Henry Clays decision was seen as a corrupt bargain by Adams. Three years to the date of the next general election, there was an election. Andrew carried out a bruising campaign, and he won the elections by a land slide.

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